Všeobecný prehľad software Autodesk

  • AutoCAD Architecture: je verzia aplikáce AutoCAD® pre projektantov stavieb.

  • AutoCAD Civil 3D: určený pre oblast inžinierských stavieb

  • AutoCAD Electrical: je aplikácia pre projektantov elektrických riadiacich systémov postavená na platformě AutoCADu®

  • AutoCAD Inventor LT: určený pre strojárske navrhovanie. Ponúka celú radu funkcií, ktoré naplňujú vaše špecifické potreby pri navrhovaní.

  • AutoCAD LT: profesionálny software pre2D kreslenie

  • AutoCAD Map 3D: určený pre navrhovanie infraštruktúry

  • AutoCAD Mechanical: je rozšířená aplikáce AutoCADu® pre strojárske navrhovanie

  • AutoCAD MEP:  je určený pre: inženierov a špecialistov z oboru vzduchotechniky, elektrorozvodov a zdravotnej techniky (TZB)

  • AutoCAD P&ID: uahrňuje: manažér dát, dynamické línie a komponentym, knižnica symbolov, správa a výmena informácií, overenia

  • AutoCAD Plant 3D: je software pre tvorbu návrhu výrobných závodov

  • AutoCAD Raster Design: je určený pre úpravu rastrových dát a prevod rastrových dát na vektorové pri využití v aplikácií AutoCAD®, AutoCAD® Architecture, AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Electrical, AutoCAD® Map 3D, AutoCAD® Mechanical, AutoCAD® MEP, AutoCAD® P&ID a Autodesk® Topobase™:

  • Revit Architecture : systémom pre návrh budov a dokumentáciu, ktorý funguje tak, ako vy premýšľate. Technológia informačných modelov budov zabezpečuje, že sú vaše projekty vždy aktuálne, nech je váš tím akokoľvek veľký. Vďaka technológii parametrických zmien budú vaše návrhy a dokumentácia vždy koordinované, konzistentné a úplné.

  • Revit MEP : pre tvorbu informačného modelu budovy (BIM), pre projektantov a oboru vzduchotechniky, elektrorozvodov a zdravotechniky

  • Revit Structure : špecializované riešenie BIM pre firmy zamerané na statiku a dynamiku stavieb

  • AutoCAD Structural Detailing: software pre konštrukčnú analýzu

  • Produkty Autodesk 3ds Max: software pre 3D modelovanie, animáciu, rendrovanie

  • Autodesk Algor Simulation: Nepriama asociatívna výmena dát s väčšinou aplikácií CAD.

  • Produkty Autodesk Alias

  • Autodesk Beast: middleware pre tvorbu globálneho osvetlenia

  • Autodesk Buzzsaw: software určený pre správu dát

  • Autodesk Design Review: bezplatný CAD prehliadač

  • Autodesk DWF Writer: bezplatná aplikácia pre bezpečné zdieľanie 2D a 3D dát vo formáte DWF - bez ohľadu na to akú návrhovú aplikáciu používate

  • Autodesk Ecotect Analysis: pre analýzu udržiavaného návrhu

  • Autodesk Factory Design Suites: riešenie pre 2D a 3D riešenie plánu výroby

  • Autodesk FBX: technológia výmeny dát

  • Autodesk Flame: software pre tvorbu 3D vizuálnych efektov, návrhu a dokončovacie práce v postprodukčnej televíznej a filmovej tvorbe

  • Autodesk Flare: software pre vizuálne efekty

  • Autodesk Freewheel: bezplatná internetová služba

  • Autodesk HumanIK: herný middleware

  • Autodesk Impression: software určený pre prezentáciu návrhu

  • Produkty Autodesk Inventor: určené pre strojárske navrhovanie: 3D strojársky design, rendering, automatizácia návrhu, návrh zostáv, plechu, plastových súčastí, integrovaná simulácia, vytváranie návrhu foriem. návrh trasovacích systémov, dokumentácia návrhu a výrobná dokumentácia

  • Autodesk Kynapse: herný middleware

  • Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional: 3D pre vytváranie digitálneho urbanistického modelu a modelu infrastruktúry: umožňuje zhromažďovať existujúce dáta  z aplikací AutoCAD® Civil 3D® a FBX® a databázových zdrojov zo zobrazení terénu a geoprostorových dát

  • Autodesk Lustre: sada kreatívnych nástrojov pre štandardne io stereskopické 3D projekty zahrňujúce primárný a sekundárný color grading, volne kreslené tvary a geometrie, hierarchycký systém tvarov,sledovanie, vyspelé masky GMask so zjemneným okrajom a 3D vyhľadávajúce tabuľky

  • Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise: aplikácia pre webové mapovanie ponúka prepojenie širokej komunity vývojárov prostredníctvom aplikácie, ktorá je založená na technologii MapGuide Open Source a Feature Data Objects (FDO)

  • Autodesk MapGuide Studio: tvorčie prostredie pre MapGuide® Enterprise, pre spracovanie priestorových dát je k dispozícii ku stiahnutiu pre zákazníkov,ktorí zakúpili produkt MapGuide® Enterprise

  • Autodesk Maya: pre animáciu, modelovanie, vizuálne efekty, rendrovania a spracovaniekompozície v televíznej a filmovej tvorbe a výrobe počítačových hier:

  • Produkty Autodesk Moldflow: pre simuláciu vstrekovania do foriem

  • Autodesk MotionBuilder: pre simuláciu 3D postáv v reálnom čase

  • Autodesk Mudbox: Špičkový softvér pre digitálne sochání a kreslenie textúr

  • Autodesk Navisworks: software pre riadenie projektov v oblasti stavebníctva —Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate, Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage a Autodesk® Navisworks® Freedom

  • Autodesk Plant Design Suite: komplexné riešenie pre návrh a vývoj výrobných závodov

  • Autodesk Productstream: bol nahradený radom produktov Autodesk ® Vault. Produkty Autodesk Vault pomáhajú pracovným skupinám návrhárov, konštruktérov a pracovníkov vo výrobe spravovať proces tvorby digitálnych prototypov. Skracujú dobu potrebnú k organizácii súborov, pomáhajú obmedzovať nákladné chyby a zvyšujú efektivitu procesov verzií a revízií.

  • Autodesk Revit Architecture: systémom pre návrh budov a dokumentáciu, ktorý funguje tak, ako vy premýšľate. Technológia informačných modelov budov zabezpečuje, že sú vaše projekty vždy aktuálne, nech je váš tím akokoľvek veľký. Vďaka technológii parametrických zmien budú vaše návrhy a dokumentácia vždy koordinované, konzistentné a úplné.

  • Autodesk Revit MEP: software pre projektantov z oboru technického zariadenia budov (TZB)

  • Autodesk Revit Structure: ZÁKLADNÉ BALÍČKY: Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis (RSA) a Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional (RSA Pro)

  • Autodesk Showcase: vizualizačný software

  • Autodesk SketchBook: Maľovací a kresliaci software, premení Vás, PC, NTB či tablet na dokonalý skicár

  • Autodesk Softimage: 3D animačný software pre tvorbu vizuálnych efektov a hier

  • Autodesk Topobase: je určený na správu infraštruktúry

  • Autodesk Vault Manufacturing: Je určen pre bezpečné ukládanie a správu inžinierskych informácií, konstrukčných dát a dokumentov.

  • Autodesk Vault Products: je určený pre správu dát

  • mental ray: Vysoko výkonný renderovací engine mental ray®:


Fotogaléria: Autodesk software 2015

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Diskusná téma: Autodesk software 2011

Dátum 21.12.2021

Vložil contactptqapd

Titulok We offer a service of sending newsletters via contact forms to the sites of business organizations via any domain zones of the world.


Dear Madame, Dear Sirs!

We offer sending newsletters of Your messages via contact forms to the sites of companies via any countries of the world in any languages.

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai

This is a type of mailing using the contact forms that are located in the contact section of the website and filled by our robot in a preset mode with a rate of a few thousand feedback forms per one minute, while the alphanumeric code from the pictures (captcha) is also solved.
After that, the e-mails including your cooperation offers are sent to the emails of businesses.
When sending mailing by contact contact forms, it turns out that each website sends a message to its own e-mail and, therefore, all letters arrive in the inbox folder of the exact electronic address in which the organisation receives the correspondent emails.

Unique Trade Offer:
Fast one hundred % informing of organisations and site owners about new commercial offers.
Search of new customers that other advertisements cannot find.

Finding new customers that cannot be found through other types of advertisements.

1.100% delivery of cooperation letters.
2.Increase of the client base.
3. Increase of the your market segment.
4.Mailings based on topics and regionality.
5. Sending information to company officials.
6. Conducting tenders.
7. Conducting marketing campaigns.
8. Studying public opinion and conducting surveys.
9. Notification speed.
10. Price.
11. Entering the markets of other countries.

Our advantages:
1.When sending mailing by contact forms, all messages arrive in the inbox. When sending e-mail newsletters, this can reach up to 5%.

2.When sending mailing by contact forms it is possible to send a few million messages per 24 hours to inbox folders. When sending e-newsletters a few thousands arrive in the inboxes, the rest often either are not delivered or fill the spam folder.

3. When sending mailing by contact forms a letter does not get blocked by mail systems because it is sent from different websites. When sending bulk e-mails it is possible to send a few thousands of those but nevertheless all the IP addresses from which the mailing is sent will be banned.

4. When sending mailing by contact forms the minimum of macros is used to form headings and text of the letter. When sending mass e-mails, it is necessary to use «macros» (synonyms) for each phrase and create ten thousand different headings.

5. Many businesses try to hide their electronic address and only leave a contact form for contacting with them.

6. When sending e-newsletters, your business offer is delivered to every employee of the company, (which causes discontent) compared to mailing by feedback forms where the letter is received at the mailbox specifically set up for cooperation offers.

7.Fifty % of business emails are located on free mail servers, they are badly "searchable" by electronic address, but when sending mailing by feedback forms through these mail systems, all messages are 100% delivered to the recipients.

8. Only thirty-forty % of businesses get into the directories within two-three years, and all the other ones are already placed in our VOIS databases and are waiting for your commercial offers.
It turns out that that e-mails of organisations from directories are full of spam, which means that they will not have such outcome as when sending mailing by feedback forms using our the newest WHOIS databases.

9. Any kind of stop words in the headings or body of the letter can be sent through contact forms. When sending e-newsletters, such messages either are not delivered the recipient or arrive in a spam folder.
The list of stop words of mail systems includes almost all phrases and words that encourage potential customers to take active actions.


1. Searching for new clients.
2. Quick notification of marketplaces about new commercial offers.
3. Informing directors.
4.demand analysis.
5. Conducting tenders.
6.Conducting marketing campaigns.
7.Studying public opinion and conducting surveys.
8. Searching for clients in other countries.

Reasons for ordering this service:

1. 100-percent delivery of your e-mails and business offers to millions of firms all over the world.
Every site sends a e-mail to itself so all filters of mails are bypassed.

2.Mailing by feedback forms is an great way in for conducting different researches of marketing, surveys and studies of public opinion on any kind oftype of activity and direction.
When sending mailing by feedback forms, you will will be absolutely sure that your message has been delivered to one hundred percent of users of your service and product and if a service or product is "poorly promoted", then the potential issue lies in in something else, for example in pricing.
At the same time, within a week you will see demand for your own products and services, you will not need to spend money on rent and other more expensive and time-consuming marketing activities.

3.Mailing by feedback forms is the most economical and quickest way to get your service or product to the markets of other countries.

4. Mailing by feedback forms is an excellent tool for conducting various tenders.

5.Weekly update of the databases, as more than one hundred and fifty thousand new websites, are registered all over the world every day, and you, get potentially new customers.

6. Full geographical coverage for all states of the world.

7. We offer clients that you will not find through other types of advertisement.
When sending mailing by feedback forms, you will be able to reach out that part of your clientele, that are impossible to find automatically in any other way.
For instance, you will be able to deliver a cooperation offer to those potential clients that were earlier unavailable due to e-mail filters while sending e-newsletters.
In reality, there is a very paradoxical situation: firms that got into the directories are completely spammed with all sorts of business offers while very little or no e-mails are sent to the remaining ones.

8. Unique technique of decoding the captcha.
There are special services for decrypting alphanumeric code (captcha/CAPTCHA). It costs 1 dollar to solve 1000 captchas.
It turns out that, processing 1 million sites the program unravels one million captchas, which costs 1000 $ only to decode captcha/CAPTCHA, and we provide this free for you!

9. By ordering mailing by contact forms, you are promoting your product or service not to separate people, but to organisations, for example domain zone .com, where more than one hundred and fifty million business companies from all countries are accumulated (we have got samples of them from international zones for every state).

10. Mailing by feedback forms also includes a subtype of SMS mailing
Mailbox that is linked to the contact form is the main electronic address of companies through which orders and commercial offers are sent. This mail is also set up for phones as it is necessary to respond to the information instantly so as not to misplace the order or the relevance of the business offer.

11. The base of every country also includes all joint organisations from all countries of the world closely related to or working with this country, for instance, diasporas and national communities.
Sanctions of search engines and mail systems?
These mailings are an alternative to sending bulk e-mails, therefore search engine sanctions and "Ban" do not apply to them.
The mail system delivers the data of letters to the inbox folder, as it moves through the "warm e-mail channel" from the new IP address of the website to the corporate e-mail of the same site.
Simply speaking, these mailings "live in emails" and e-mail filters do not react to them, because mail systems have trust in communication channels between internet resources and corporate electronic addresses.

You can buy our databases separately from the mailing by sending us a message by contact form.






The simplest text of the message + headings, the main goal is to interest the future client, and they will read the rest on your website.
Most likely, all ads on your subject are already on the Internet, enter the necessary search requests and choose the most relevant ones.
The headings are substituted by a carousel from .txt file.
Only text messages are sent, links are inserted without problems, they are active. If the future customer needs pictures or more specific information, then you should forward the potential customer to visit your internet resource.

In the letter:
Text without pictures, since pictures do not pass through the contact form.
Your contact details:
Site address:

Fields to fill in:
Several headings:
Mailbox for automatic responces:

website =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai
Price List =» xn----7sbb1bbndheurc1a.xn--p1ai/en/price/

Dátum 20.12.2021

Vložil GlennGueli

Titulok I will learn a lot through the communication opportunities here.



Dátum 10.12.2021

Vložil Eugeneoriva

Titulok Best lolita2


####### OPVA ########

Description:-> gg.gg/wxedl

Webcams РТНС 1999-2021 FULL
STICKAM, Skype, video_mail_ru
Omegle, Vichatter, Interia_pl
BlogTV, Online_ru, murclub_ru

Complete series LS, BD, YWM
Sibirian Mouse, St. Peterburg
Moscow, Liluplanet, Kids Box
Fattman, Falkovideo, Bibigon
Paradise Birds, GoldbergVideo
Fantasia Models, Cat Goddess
Valya and Irisa, Tropical Cuties
Deadpixel, PZ-magazine, BabyJ
Home Made Model (HMM)

Gay рthс collection: Luto
Blue Orchid, PJK, KDV, RBV

Nudism: Naturism in Russia
Helios Natura, Holy Nature
Naturist Freedom, Eurovid

ALL studio collection: from
Acrobatic Nymрhеts to Your
Lоlitаs (more 100 studios)

Collection european, asian,
latin and ebony girls (all
the Internet video) > 4Tb

Rurikon Lоli library 171.4Gb
manga, game, anime, 3D

This and much more here:
or --> gg.gg/ntwfm
or --> cpc.cx/uVc
or --> xor.tw/4pgn3
or --> v.ht/LEYc
or --> cutt.us/jKbHA
or --> gg.gg/ntwgr
or --> v.ht/kIy2
or --> gurl.pro/k6ftqd
or --> gg.gg/ntwhd

###### Caution! ######
ALL premium big parts rar
(mix.part01..) or huge
archives - scam. Paylinks
(bit_ly lmy_de aww_su and
other) - virus. Be careful.

Dátum 08.12.2021

Vložil Nym2maVew

Titulok Предлагаем сателлит телевидение - установить телевидение без абонплаты


Мне эта тема тоже интересна.

Dátum 07.12.2021

Vložil Joshuapiowl

Titulok Never give up



Dátum 06.12.2021

Vložil Joshuapiowl

Titulok Never give up



Dátum 05.12.2021

Vložil Joshuapiowl

Titulok Never give up



Dátum 22.11.2021

Vložil ZaumaClelf

Titulok Zaimlenda.ru - займ на карту онлайн без процентов


Доброго времени суток дамы и господа, если вам срочно нужны деньги на покупку телефона или другие свои нужды... Но зарплата через несколько дней, тогда советую вам взять быстрый займ на карту без отказа и проверки кредитной истории.

На сайте https://zaimlenda.ru/ под подбору онлайн займов вы сможете выбрать МФО по своим условиям и отправить заявку, обычно это занимает не более 10 минут! Также хочу добавить что во многих компаниях сейчас акция в виде бесплатного займа под 0% до 30 дней.

Dátum 14.11.2021

Vložil Adepssir

Titulok Fluxetin


I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This article posted at this website is actually pleasant.

Dátum 10.11.2021

Vložil appack

Titulok Best Studio erotic in Manhattan


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